Thursday 10 October 2013

Skincare Habits That Should Be Followed Like A Bible

From picking pimples to shaving the crap out of your face, it's quite obvious if you're not winning the good-skin game. But, before cursing your genes and your luck, ask yourself whether your skincare rituals and lifestyle habits are up to par. And, by this we don't mean fossilizing in front of a mirror or raiding your spouse's stash. The key to having great skin is basic skin maintenance, which we are all set to tell you about. So, are you ready to get schooled in skincare?

Lather up

A splash of cold water does more than wake you up. A good cleanse helps slough away dead skin cells that stick together and make your skin look dull. Use a face-wash that has both glycolic acid and salicylic acid, in the morning and before bed. For a deeper clean that also stimulates the growth of new skin cells, wash with an exfoliating scrub once or twice a week. Don't overdo it, cut back if the skin gets red or irritated.

Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise!

Take it from a woman, guys, quenching thirsty skin is the single most important thing that you can do for your overall appearance. Moisturising fights premature aging and prevents cracking, which can open the door to nasty zits and blemishes. Apply moisturizer when the skin is still slightly dam to seal in moisture. Most face lotions are oil based, which work well for guys with dry and normal skin. If you have oily, acne-prone skin, look for a water-based product.

Don't zap the zit

No matter how unsightly it is, you simply can't pick a pimple. Dirt on the hands and underneath the nails can enter skin, which needless to say, makes matters much worse. If you're being weighed down by a massive whitehead in the centre of your nose, and you just have to do something, there is a protocol to be followed. Disinfect a needle with rubbing alcohol, gently prick the skin's surface and carefully squeeze from both sides. If the blemish is ready to let loose, it will go easily. Blood or clear liquid are signs you should stop immediately.

Shave as if your life depends on it

A shave that's too close, does more than just nick the skin. Continued trauma by that shame of a razor can break skin permanently. Invest in a quality razor and go with, not against, the grain of hair using gentle strokes. Also, don't dry shave, ever, even if you're using an electric razor. Invest in a good quality gel and aftershave cream, which is as important as buying that new GTA 5.

Don't sleep on dirty sheets

Believe it or not your bed sheets are the perfect pool of bacteria and dust mites that thrive in seemingly harmless sweat, saliva, mucus, tears and other unmentionable bodily discharges. All of that can result in you waking up with more than you've bargained for. Sheets must be washed once a week and dried in good heat so that your skin can remain blemish-free.

Be sun smart

Up to 90 percent of the skin aging is caused by the sun! Skin damage in the form of high pigmentation and unsightly wrinkles should be enough to make you run for a cover. Apply sunscreen SPF 30 or higher directly to face, neck and ears each morning after shaving, and if possible wait 15 to 20 minutes before going out to ensure effectiveness. Reapply every two hours if outdoors.

There is nothing non-masculine in having a clear and near flawless complexion. However, what's concerning is when you don't wish for one.


No one hates losing the quest for acne-free, clear skin. And no one likes looking at a face that’s scarred with the enemy that’s acne. But, if you’re one of the unlucky few marred with that horrid curse,

Prevent or prevail!

It’s imperative that you avoid picking at your pimples so that you don’t get blemishes. You should also opt for electric shaver instead of a razor if you’re prone to breakouts. Shaving on acne-prone skin might worsen the situation. Also, try and avoid foods that increase skin allergies and acne, such as greasy food, sugary foods, deep-fried and trans-fat foods.

Stay away from sun

It’s important to avoid excessive sun exposure if you use acne products with salicylic acid as it causes sun sensitivity. You can achieve that by either preventing yourself from going out in the sun for extended periods or by using a sun block with SPF 30.

Baking soda to the rescue

A great natural exfoliant, baking soda helps unclog pores, kills acne causing bacteria and also exfoliate the skin. Just make a thick paste of water and baking soda. Make sure the paste is not runny and apply it on your scars. Keep it for 2-3 minutes and rinse it off with water. Don’t rub the scars, pat dry. Use it twice daily for faster results.

Tomato face mask

This is one of the simple but effective home remedy that can help you get rid of acne scars. Take a tomato and slice it into two halves. Take one half and rub it on your scars in a circular motion. This activity can have 2 effects - it will visibly reduce the scars and will also increase skin elasticity. Continue the process for 20 minutes and conclude it by washing off your face.

Calling cucumbers

This can be a great way to get rid of scars if your skin is hyper sensitive. It’s also a great technique to reduce inflammation and increase skin elasticity. Cucumber juice has no acidity and hence can be applied on scars for extended period. No need to wash it off immediately. However, be sure to repeat this remedy daily for accelerated results.

Lemon wonders

Lemon juice works as a natural bleach and will therefore reduce the appearance of scars and blemishes. Grab a lemon and squeeze out lemon juice, grab a cotton ball and dab it with the juice and start massaging your scars thoroughly. Let it stay on for approximately 20 minutes and wash it away with warm water.

They might not be the most revolutionary ways to get rid of acne but have been proved effective time and again. Besides, they are also easy on your wallet. So, don’t waste a single moment and start practicing them now for quicker results.


You can blame chocolates (which is a myth, BTW), a crappy soap bar, or work stress for your acne. But ultimately, you should blame yourself. Of course, your skin type and work stress do play a big part in acne, however, there is always a second side to the story. Namely? Foods! Yes. Stop eating crap, that's pretty much it. Because crap in paves way for crap out. Makes sense, doesn't it? There are a number of super-foods that can help prevent acne breakouts, we list 5 of them.

1) Green Tea

Long been touted as the hottest weight reducing commodity, it's only recently that green tea has been recognized for its anti-acne properties as well. Green tea is rich in anti-inflammatory chemicals, called catechins. It helps reduce the effects of free radicals in the body, such as pollution, sunlight, and cigarette smoke. Drinking green tea will thus help with the redness, puffiness, and soreness of acne, and also help prevent future breakouts.

2) Olive Oil

Olive oil is a good source of monosaturated fatty acids, which is basically the fat you need to clear and nourish your skin. It is also essentially used in treating adult acne because it helps to treat many skin problems that occur as the skin matures, such as sun damage, pigmentation, fine lines and loss of tone. Olive oil contains vitamins and antioxidants, and when used as a face wash it removes impurities, hydrates and exfoliates the skin.

3) Whole Grains

When it comes to thwarting acne inflammation, fiber filled whole grains work like a charm. Foods like cereal, barley, bread and pasta are a good source of selenium and antioxidants, other chemicals that are helpful in clearing and preventing acne. However, what is important is to look out for products that are high in fiber and low in sugar.

4) Sweet Potatoes

They are one of the most nutritious vegetables and an excellent addition to your anti-acne diet. Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C, both of which are powerful antioxidants and are used in preventing acne. Sweet potatoes are also packed with vitamin A that normalizes oil production in the skin and ultimately helps fight off acne-causing bacteria.

5) Blueberries

One of the greatest health foods of all time, and they can be an excellent remedy for treating acne. In fact blueberries are the richest source of antioxidant, even stronger than those of strawberries, cranberries and plums. In addition to their antioxidant powers, blueberries are a good source of pectin which helps clear intestinal toxins that may contribute to acne flare-ups. Not to mention they're tasty, too!


Earlier, it was believed that only those in their teens or late-teens are prone to developing acne. Now, pimples due to stress, lifestyle choices, hormonal changes and various forms of adult acne have been discovered. Further, there is little clarity about how acne can be comprehensively cured. Most over-the-counter creams and lotions are ineffective. Further, some of them tend to irritate the skin. This article takes a different approach to treating acne and pimples, i.e. using home remedies that are safer and help to promote overall, healthy skin. 

Your choices for treating acne in a natural way include:

1.Treating Acne at Home with Orange Peel

Orange Peel is an easy home remedy. It provides the skin an instant boost of vitamin C that helps to neutralize the inflammation of pimples. To prepare the peel, you need some shreds of orange skin. Just grind them and add some water. Use the paste like a face mask. Keep it on for about 15 minutes. However, if you have an established allergy to vitamin C, avoid this. Another useful home remedy that utilizes the healing power of vitamin C is using lemon juice. Mix equal amounts of lemon juice with honey. Apply this in the form of small drops, dabbed on the acne. Allow this to dry for a couple of hours and then rinse your face.

2.Treating Acne due to Blood Impurities

Garlic is among the most potent of natural destroyers of toxic compounds found in the human body. When consumed whole, cloves of raw garlic help to boost the metabolism. This helps the body to detoxify within a few days. This is particularly useful for pimples due to impurities in the blood.

Treating Summer Break-out of Acne

Coriander juice is very cooling and an ideal acne aid for the summer months. Mix some coriander juice with half a tablespoon of turmeric powder. This mixture needs to be lightly dabbed on the skin before going to bed. Wash the face in the morning. The other option is to use mint juice instead of coriander juice. This is particularly useful for the small zits that appear on the forehead during summers.

Acne Home Remedy for Dry Skin

People with dry skin have a dual problem. Firstly, their dry skin creates too much of debris that tends to clog the pores and causes acne. Secondly, they cannot use moisturizing aids due to the presence of acne. The solution lies in using a paste made of honey and some ground almonds. This is best done when the temperatures aren't scorching. The paste needs to be applied all over the face and left for about 20 minutes. Rinse the face with cold water and wipe it with a dry towel.

Fenugreek & Cumin for All Types of Acne

Fenugreek is among the more recommended of home remedies for treating pimples if you have a comedogenic skin. This means your skin has a tendency to develop acne when exposed to the sun or harsh climatic conditions or due to the smallest of changes in your lifestyle. Here, a paste made of fenugreek seeds is a useful preventative aid. However, if you want to control the sudden breakout of pimples, you need to use cumin. This is a rich source of zinc. Just ground some cumin, mix it with water and apply the paste on the pimples before retiring to bed. In the morning, you will find the size and redness of the zits remarkably reduced.

Dietary Recommendations to Treat Pimples: Skin Vitamins & Zinc

Some vitamins are particularly healthy for keeping the skin healthy and helping it recover from an acne breakout. This is why vitamin A is among the most common of ingredients among acne treatment creams. To ensure your vitamin A intake is sufficient, try to eat more of sweet potatoes, eggs, lean meats and pumpkin. Vitamin B3 or Niacin is the other, most important of skin vitamins. Ensure that your intake of mushrooms, fish, brinjal, green peas, carrots, spinach, fennel, cauliflower and chicken is high to sustain appreciable amounts of niacin. Vitamin E is among the most critical of skin vitamins from the perspective of helping it prevent the onset of acne. Thus, you need to ensure greater intake of tomatoes, sprouts and papaya. Oats, mushrooms and spinach are good sources of dietary zinc. This rare, micro-nutrient is the hidden ingredient in most pimple-zapping cosmetic aids. Here, the emphasis is on exploring acne cures that don’t put forth risks associated with steroidal and chemically-formulated creams. Pills recommended for curing acne often contain hormone-affecting compounds that can be quite harmful. Please share any Acne Home Remedy you have tried successfully.